30 March, 2007

Eid-e-Milad un Nabi

This year Eid-e-Milad un Nabi falls on Sunday, 1st April 2007. Muslims of the world express their pleasure on the birth date of their Beloved Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and celebrate this occasion calling it as Eid-e-Milad-un-Nabi. Id-e-Milad is celebrated on the twelfth day of the third month Rabi-ul-Awwal (according to the Islamic calendar). The ocassion is marked by recitation of Quranic verses in mosques from the eve of Eid-e-Milad and the day is celebrated by taking out processions called "Juloos", distributing food & sweet beverage "Sharbat" to the poor and organizing programs narrating the life of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) and reciting of "Zikr" and "Naat" in his honour. It is considered auspicious to offer prayers and give alms on this day. Muslims prove themselves to be the true followers of the Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). Paying highest respect to the last Prophet is the basic faith. The slightest disinclination towards the Prophet (S.A.W.) and his disrespect knowingly or unknowingly through connivance or openly, destroys a Muslim's entire faith (Imaan). Milaad-un-Nabi is celebrated for creating love and respect of the Prophet (S.A.W.) and through him the love and respect of Allah Almighty, the only Creator and Sustainer of the world.
Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was the son of Abdullah & Aamina and the grandson of Abdul Muttalib of the tribe of Qureysh in the erstwhile Arabian Peninsula. He was born at Mecca on 12 Rabi-ul-Awwal (about April 570 AD). From a very young age Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was respected by people for his honesty, truthfullness, charity and kindness. He was the most trusted person in the whole Mecca. At the age of 40 (in 610 AD), the angel Jibraeel (Gabriel) was sent by Allah to give revelations of Quraan to Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.). It was after that when he declared himself as the Prophet of Allah to the masses. He found some devotees but most Meccans did not believe in him. He had to immigrate to Medina, where he was warmly welcomed and spread the message of Allah across the globe. Later Islam became one of the most popular religions of the world. In 632 AD, Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) went on a pilgrimage to Mecca followed by thousands of his devotees, which marked the begining of Islamic calender or Hijri Calendar. Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) had to fight many battles against the non believers and foriegn forces in order to unite Arabian tribes, which later on united to make Arabs one of the most powerful kingdom in the Middle East with its expanses spreading from India in the East to Spain in the West.

26 March, 2007

Dua e Ashura for Muharram: 1st Month of the Islamic Calendar

                 Dua-e-Ashurah                                              .

If you cannot read Dua e Ashura in Arabic, here is the Dua in English script


Ya Qaabila tawbati Adama Yawma 'Ashuraa-aYa faarija karbi Dhin-nuwni yawma 'Ashuraa-aYa jaami'a shamli y'aquwba yawma 'Ashuraa-aYa saami'a d'awati musa wa haruna yawma 'Ashuraa-aYa mu-ghitha ibrahima mi-nanaa-ri yawma 'Ashuraa-aYa rafi'a idrisa ilas-samai yawma 'Ashuraa-aYa mujeeba da'wati salihin finna qati yawma 'Ashuraa-a

Ya nasira sayyidina Muhammadin sal-lalahu 'alayhi wa sallama yawma'Ashuraa-aYa rahma-nad-dunya wal-akhirati was rahima-humaa salli 'alasayyidina Muhammadiw-wa 'ala jamee'al ambiyaai wal-mursaleena waqdihaajaa-tinafid-dunya wal-akhirati wa atil 'umrana fee taa'atika wamahabatika wa ridakawa ahyinaa

hayatan tayeeba tuwwa tawaffana 'a-lal-emaani wal-islamibi-rahmatika Yaa arhamar-rahimeen Allahma bi-'izzil hasani wa akhihiwa ummihi wa abihi wa jaddihi wa banihi far-rij 'anna maa nahnu fee.

After reading the above dua, read the following dua 7 times

Subha-nallahi mil al-meezani wa muntahal-'ilmi wa mabla-ghar-ridawa zinatal-'arshi la mal-jaa-aa wala manjaa-aa mi-nallahiilla-ilay. Subha-nallahi 'ada-dash-shaf-'ia wal-witri wa 'adadakalimaa tilla-hit-tammati kullihaa nasalu-kaslamata bi-rahmatika yaaarhamar-rahimeen.

wa-hu-wa hasbunaa-wa-nai'-mal-wakeel. Ni'-mal-mawla wa-ni'man-naseer.wala-haw-la wala quwwata illa-billahil-'alee-yil-'azeem.wa salla-lahu ta'ala 'ala sayyidina Muhammadiw-wa 'ala alihi wasahbihi wa 'a-lal mumineena wal muminati wal muslimeena wal muslimati'adada zarratil wujudi wa 'adada ma'-luwmaa tillahi wal-hamu-illahirabbil-'alameen.

The Islamic year begins with Muharram ul Haram, the first month of the Islamic Calendar. While followers of other religions spend their opening month in worthless merriment, the first month of Islam teaches us lessons of admonition, good counselling, knowledge of Allah Ta’ala, sacrifice, selflessness, patience and seeking the pleasure of Allah Ta’ala.


What is Ashura?
The tenth day of Muharram (Ashura) has many distinctive qualities and features. Allah Ta’ala created the heavens and the earth on this blessed day. On this day He gave His infinite blessings and bounties to many of His Prophets and delivered them from the clutches of their enemies.
Allah Ta’ala created Hazrat Adam (Alaihis-Salam) in this month, pardoned him of his mistake, and Hazrat Noah’s (Alaihis-Salam) Ark landed successfully on Mount Judi, and he saved Hazrat Ibrahim (Alaihis-Salam) from fire and rescued Hazrat Musa (Alaihis-Salam) from Pharaoh.
On the first of Muharram offer 2 rakats Nafl prayer. In each rakat after Surah Fateha recite Surah Ikhlas 3 times. After the Salam pray to Allah Ta’ala for all your needs and desires. From the blessing of this prayer, Allah Ta’ala will appoint an angel for such a person. The angel will guide him or her to do only good deeds and prevent them in engaging in sinful acts.

On the eve of "Ashura" offer 100 rakats Nafl. In each rakat recite Surah Ikhlas 3 times after Surah Fateha. After Salam recite first ‘Kalimah’ 100 times. Allah Ta’ala will forgive all the sins of such a person.

Dua-e-Ashura - An insurance for a year’s Life Hazrat Imam Zainul Abidain (Radi Allah Anhu) reports that who ever recites this dua( Dua-e- Ashura) on the tenth of Muharram, any time after sunrise and before sunset, or listens to its recitation from someone else, Allah Ta’ala will certainly make it an insurance for a years’ life for him, by keeping death away from him. However, if one is to become the victim of death in that year, they will by some strange coincidence not remember to recite it.

Nafl Salat for the Eve of Ashura: On the eve of Ashura offer 4 rakats Nafl Salat as follows:
In every rakat after Surah Fateha recite "Ayetul Kursi" once and Surah Ikhlas 3 times. After completing this Namaz recite Surah Ikhlas 100 times. Allah Ta’ala will purify such a person of all their sins and grant them endless bounties and blessings in paradise.

The Fast of Ashura: On the 9th and 10th of Muharram, one should fast. If it is not possible to fast on both days, then every effort should be made to fast on the 10th day of Muharram, as there is great reward for this fast. (Muslim Shareef).
The following are some of the desirable acts one should do on the day of Ashurah:
1.   To observe fast on this day.
2.   To give as much charity as you can afford.
3.   To perform Nafl Salat prayers.
4.   To recite Surah Ikhlas 1000 times.
5.   To visit and be in the company of pious Ulema.
6.   To place a hand of affection on an orphan’s head.
7.   To give generously to one’s relatives.
8.   To put surma in one’s eyes.
9.   To take a bath.
10. To cut one’s nails.
11. To visit the sick.
12. To establish friendly ties with one’s enemies.
13. To recite Dua-e- Ashura
14. To visit the shrines of Awliyas and the graves of Muslims.
Hazrat Abdullah bin Masood (Radi Allah Anhu), a Companion of the Holy Prophet Muhammad (Sall Allahu Alaihi wa Sallam) reports the following saying of the Messenger of Allah Ta’ala, "Whosoever prepares ample food and drink for his family on this sacred day and delights in feeding them generously, Allah Ta’ala will increase His provisions for that year and place much blessings and good therein."
Imam Hussain (Radi Allah Anhu) and his companions were martyred on the tenth of this month.

Like any month in the Islamic Calendar there are in this first Islamic month, many anniversaries which are celebrated every where in the world.

Reference http://www.mrc.org.uk/
(Islamic Times, Manchester. Vol:13 - May 1998)