However, the importance of Jamadi-us-Sani is more known as on its 1st day, the first revelations of the Holy Quraa'n was made on Prophet Muhammed (SAW) at the age of 40. It was after this event when he made public his prophecy and proclaimed himself as the messanger of Allah, and brought forth the religion of Islam for the people to adopt. The revelations of the Holy Quraa'n were revealed subsequently, on the Prophet by the angel Jibra'eel (A.S.), in parts known as the Suraa'h of Quraa'n. The Prophet would assimilate the verses in his heart and would subsequently convey the message it implied to his Sahabi's (followers). The great religion of Islam then spread first across the Arab kingdom and then the whole world. The Prophet faced a lot of trouble initially, and was even driven out of his birthplace Mecca and had to seek refuge in Medina, where he was warmly welcomed and Medina formed his base and launchpad for guiding the masses about Islam.