Prophet Ibrahim was a true believer and follower of Islam, who guided his people to believe in oneness of the Almighty. However he was rebuffed and rebuked by them and was persecuted to be put in fire. However Prophet Ibrahim came out unharmed from the inferno and always obeyed every command which Allah asked him to partake. Prophet Ibrahim always longed for a son but did not wish to distress his wife Sarah. However at her insistence he married another woman named Hajar who gave birth to a son in his grand age. The boy was Prophet Ismail, who was the apple of the eye for his father. However, a few months after his birth, as per Allah’s command, Prophet Ibrahim took Hajar and infant Ismail to the middle of Arabian Desert and left them there with a small quantity of food and water. Hajar did not revolt the act when she came to know that Prophet Ibrahim was only obeying Allah’s command. Left alone, the mother and son had nowhere to go under the scorching sun and when the supplies ran out Hajar became

When Ismail grew up to a young boy, he was very handsome, obedient and beloved to his father. It was during this time when Allah tested Prophet Ibrahim one more time, asking him to sacrifice his most precious possession, which was his son Prophet Ismail. The subservient father was devastated but willingly proceeded to carry out the command of his Lord. He asked Ismail to get ready, as they were going to a very special place. Young prophet Ismail (barely 8 year old) was dressed in his very best and accompanied Prophet Ibrahim for the journey to Mount Arafat in Mina. On the way Shaitan tried to delude Ismail by telling him about the true motive of his father, but Prophet Ismail was unperturbed and tried to shoo him away by picking small pebbles on the way and threw at him three times. The act was praised by Allah and to this day

Muslims all over the world celebrate the festival by getting up early on the day and dressed up in their best clothes they perform the special Namaz of Eid-ul-Azha. After which greetings are exchanged and ‘Qurbani’ takes place. Every earning adult Muslim having enough disposable wealth has to undertake Qurbani on Eid-ul-Azha. If they cannot sacrifice individual animal, they can contribute the money towards mosque or other Islamic organizations or schools, who undertake the task for mass sacrifice. Muslims divide their produce of the sacrificed animal in three parts; one for their own consumption, second part for distributing among neighbors and relatives and the third for the poor. No part of the sacrificed animal is allowed to be sold or exchanged. The skin of the animals is donated to mosques, madarsa’s and schools run for the poor, so that they can sell it to tanneries and use the money for their chores. The tons of meat that is collected in Saudi Arabia and nearby Arab countries, after Eid-ul-Azha is frozen, packed and sent out for distribution to the poor African nations for free; to provide the starved populations a source of nutritious protein rich food. The other parts such as skin, horns and hooves are sold to countries that require it for their industries and the money is again given out as grant to these underdeveloped countries. Eid-ul-Azha is not just a day of mass murder of cattle’s by human beings, but it marks as a day of sacrifice and sharing by Muslims, who buy the best affordable animals appropriate to their earning potential and think of their poor brothers to provide better food for those who cannot afford it.
Eid-ul-Azha exemplifies the charitable instincts of Muslims in their efforts to see that no one is left deprived of the sacrificial blessings. It further embodies the values of discipline and self-denial, and submitting to the will of Allah. It prepares one for the tests and trials of life and hereafter by providing willpower for sacrificing and submission by overcoming their individualistic self for the benefit of the unprivileged. These values imparted by this festival are central to the Islamic doctrines. Eid-ul-Azha is a time of remembrance of the trials of Prophet Ibrahim, a time to celebrate the completion of the Hajj, and a time that men, women, and children of all ages greatly anticipate. Eid Mubarak!

1 comment:
Hi Fardeen, as for research is concerned, it says humans, primates, apes etc are opportunistic meat eaters, meaning they are usually vegetarians, & sometimes ocassionaly may consume meat like small insects & birds. So it means, they can manage to find food at any level of the food chain. Check out : Chinese & south koreans even consume poisonous snakes, dogs & cats. Also during the period of cave-men, they were also consuming lions or other carnivore's meat, assuming that will bring the same courage as the animal has. So basically, everything is about choice. Your digestive system itself suggests this. I turned to vegetarianism because, I need not be cruel for other animals just for the sake of my food. Something we feel cruel, which is visible for our eyes is more important than being cruel for other living beings unknowingly. because we cant avoid spending even a second without killing any living being.
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