~ Most Comprehensive Encyclopedia of the World & Hereafter

I still remember the incident, when I was returning one evening from my grandfather’s house many years back, and my friend who was a non-Muslim, oriented my gaze towards small kids rushing out of the Masjid after finishing their Deeniyat (Teaching of Quran) classes. “Do you notice something peculiar among these kids with those breaking loose after regular school classes?” I shrugged in ignorance. And contemplated, ‘Perhaps these children here were wearing traditional dresses and their head were covered; both boys and girls. But surely they were as happy and shouting with the same enthusiasm as they would have earlier in the day when their regular schools classes had finished’. “Just see how they hold their Ajza (Each of the 30 Booklets/Parts of Quran), close to their chest and heart and all of them with their right hand”. Indeed I was astonished at his observance and as my childhood days flashed before me I could recall that we too did the same when we used go to and from the Madarsa holding the Yaslan Quran (Quran with selected Surahs and other religious information, especially as a beginner for kids) close to our chest and inadvertently with our right hands, while we rarely did that with any other book. And as with us in our past I was sure none of these children’s parents would have given them instructions, apart from reminding them that it is a Holy Book of Allah and do not drop it on the ground.

Such was the comprehensiveness and power of the message conveyed by Holy Quran, the Kitabullah (book of Allah) that it was not bestowed like the other three books which were revealed to their Prophets in written form and in entirety. Allah sought a medium pure and powerful enough to endure the responsibility of the Holy Quran. And what better place than his beloved Prophet’s heart to encompass the verses of Quran with; vindicated by Allah himself when he says that, “Had we reveled the Quran in written form upon Mount Sinai, it would not have been able to withstand it”.
The Holy Quran has 114 Surahs (chapters) and over 6200 Aayats (verses), each inimitable and
comprehensive in itself. In fact Quran itself challenges the mankind in one of its verses, ‘To present a Surah or even an Aayat better than or even equivalent in form and meaning than its own’. A challenge that will remain in vogue, till perpetuity. Quran was first revealed upon Prophet Muhammad (SAW) during the night of Layla-tul Qadr or Shab-e-Qadr, during Ramzan. It was over a period of 23 years that Angel Jibraeel (AS) would descend from heavens and recite verses of Quran to Prophet Muhammad (SAW), who would take efforts to recite the verses along with him. But Allah was unwilling to see his dear Prophet take even that much efforts and he said, “O Muhammad (SAW), you need not trouble your tongue to recite the Quran, We have made it such that it will be encrypted in your heart.” Prophet Muhammad (SAW) on his part would recite and remember it and convey it to his Sahaba (followers) and commoners along with its interpretation and elucidating its message, for them to learn and take guidance from. The Sahaba would remember the Quranic verses and write it on tablets and papers to conserve it. Though it was not until long after Prophet Muhammad when under Caliph Usmaan (RA), the first fully complied Holy Quran was brought out in the form of a book. Thus vindicating the fact Allah said, ‘That it’s upon himself to preserve and protect the Holy Quran’. It didn’t seek dependence or presence in physical form of a book, but was passed upon from Allah to Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through Jibraeel (AS), and from him to Sahaba and others just through recitation. Even today thousands of Muslims dedicate themselves to learn Quran and preserve it in their hearts.

The benefits and rewards of reciting and learning Quran are immense and incomparable. Each of the Surat and Aayat of Quran has its own significance and reciting it provides the reader insurmountable benefits. Aisha (RA) wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) said, “Prophet has himself mentioned that reciting Quran on a regular basis provides many rewards to the reader, and for those who recite it with great difficulty, not well versed with Arabic and take efforts to pronounce each word correctly; for them the rewards are double”. Thus it is not those fluent in Arabic are only to be benefitted; instead it should be responsibility of people to learn Arabic to understand the Quran or at least learn to read; a case in point to vindicate the fact, that Islam propagates literacy as compulsory amongst its followers. Every effort should be made to understand Quran by reading its translation in language of their comfort if not in Arabic. Although such are the benefits of reading Quran that reading just a single letter, not even a complete word will increase your good deeds by 10 every time. Thus it is advisable to read at least 10 Aayats of Quran before Fajr Namaz every morning and the person will never suffer from forgetfulness ever in his life. Surah Fatiha (1st Surah) is a summary of Quran in itself and learning and reciting it in Namaz is mandatory. Quran provides us the beautiful phrase of “Bismillah Ar-Rahman Ir-Rahim” as a commencing sentence for every task we undertake.

The influence of Quran has inspired many and apart from the aura and personality of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) it was also the verses of Quran whose help he sought to invite people to accept the religion of Islam and to convey Allah’s command upon them. Who can forget the events of how Umar (RA) converted to Islam. Umar (RA) a well built, outspoken and intelligent person was a staunch supporter of Quraysh tribes, who were fiercely opposed to Prophets Muhammad (SAW) and his message of Islam and oneness of Allah. Perturbed by their inability to stop The Prophet and his mission, Umar (RA) vowed to kill him and started from his abode with a sword in his hand and blood in his eyes, wherein he met a person who inquired him. On knowing his intentions, the man ridiculed Umar (RA) asking him to first set things right in his own house before seeking revenge from Prophet Muhammad (SAW). An astonished Umar (RA) sought clarification and came to know that his daughter (or sister as claimed by some historians) and her husband have accepted Islam as their faith. Raging in fury Umar (RA) ran to kill his daughter and son in law first and then seek The Prophet. Upon reaching the entrance of their house, he saw them reciting verses of Holy Quran, enraging him even more. As he neared them the verses of Quran fell upon his ears and he started trembling in trepidation; the sword fell from his hands and he dropped down to his knees repenting his action and ignorance for Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and Islam. He immediately presented himself forth Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and converted to Islam and avowed himself to his mission and became one of his most faithful Sahaba. The ramifications of Quranic messages influenced many more during and after the time of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

The Quran is the most comprehensive and exhaustive encyclopedia. It narrates incidents about past Prophets and their followers and asks us to seek guidance and learn from them. Quran also mentions greatness of Allah and how he created everything and everyone. It also praises Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and provides an insight about the life hereafter, the horrors of Jahannam (Hell) as well as the goodness and rewards of the Jannat (Heaven). It paves a path for us on how to lead our lives in this world and constantly prepare ourselves for our death and for the Day of Judgment. It even provides reasoning and base for the natural occurrences of the Universe & the World and is a remedy for all the problems. Though some people doubt the latter claims, it is upon an individual to repose faith in Quran and gain knowledge from the beautifully explained phenomenon in form of Aayats and Surahs related to diverse subjects and incidents occurred over time during the lives of various Prophets sent down by Allah for the good of the mankind.

Reading Quran and paying due reverence to it, is obligatory for every Muslim. It is desired that one should read Quran daily, even if it is just a few verses. Quran is not an object of decoration adoring a place high on the shelf, only to be brought down on special occasions, shower kisses upon and pledging oath against. Instead it should be read and understood as regularly as possible. As per Prophet Muhammad (SAW), when a person dies and people carry his Janazah (mortal remains) for burial, a very handsome man in brilliant white clothes will accompany him all along the way, whom no one will be able to see. When the dead body will be laid inside the grave, this man will descend into it to be buried along with the Janazah. He will cover himself upon the dead person and provide him all the comfort inside the grave. This man will even assist him when the Angels will come for questioning the dead person’s faith. The Angel’s would then ask this man, “Who are you and why are you helping this person?” and he would reply, “I am Quran. This person used to read me daily and tried to gain understanding from me. He would seek guidance from me for all his chores. It is my duty to assist him and I will not rest, till the time I help him enter the Jannat”. Verily Quran will be our interceder on the Day of Judgment, when every person will try to resuscitate himself on his own good deeds, to outweigh his transgressions.