~ The virtues of visiting the Holy cities of Mecca and Medina

When the Sputnik series of satellites launched by Russia in the space sent some of the first photographs of the Earth, the world got to see the actual view of the globe, the seas, the landscapes, the continents and the ecosystem from the Almighty’s perspective. But one thing that stood out and has amazed everyone till date was an unexplainable brightness emanating from near the Middle East. The place was Mecca, and the brightness was that of the Holy Land of Kaba, the consecrated place for the Muslims, and their point of orientation for worship, or Qibla. The Holy Kaba is the point directly above which the Heavens are located in the skies.
From the time when Prophet Ibrahim (AS) laid the foundation stone of Kaba along with his son Ismail (AS), till eternity or the Day of Judgment, neither has nor will the counter-clockwise circumambulation of the place stop or pause even for a moment. While many believe that the foundation of Kaba was built by Prophet Adam (AS) and it was Prophet Ibrahim (AS) who first constructed the Holy Kaba in its present form. After the advent of Islam by Prophet Muhammad (SAW), Kaba became the centre of pilgrimage for followers of Islam and cities of Mecca and Medina as the holy places. It was agreed upon by the warring tribes during Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) time at his incest, that Kaba and the place around it be free from all forms of conflict. Kaba unlike perceived by many non-Muslims is not a symbol of worship or an idol, but it is merely a focal point for Muslims all around the world to face while offering Namaz five times a day. So a Muslim praying and submitting himself in prostration to Allah does not have a picture of Kaba, or city of Mecca or Medina or Masjid-e-Nabvi before him, but a person in India will simply face the West direction, person in Africa will face the North direction and a Namazi in America will orient himself towards South West to offer Namaz. To vindicate the non-symbolism of Kaba for worshipping, it is even said that a person not sure of the exact direction of Kaba can assume any direction as Qibla and offer Namaz, and even during the course of his prayers if he realizes that his orientation towards the Qibla is wrong, the person can re-align himself towards the perceived correct direction. One of the interesting things to note here is that, before Kaba,
Masjid-e-Aqsa in Jerusalem was the first Qibla for the Muslims to pray towards. It was once during Zuhar (afternoon) Namaz; Prophet Muhammad (SAW) was leading his followers while praying in Masjid-e-Qiblatain in Medina when he got a command from Allah through Jibraee’l (AS), that henceforth Kaba in Mecca will be the Qibla for Muslims. Rather than finishing the prayers, Allah’s apostle Muhammad (SAW) in order to obey the Almighty’s command, immediately turned himself towards Kaba and completed the remaining Namaz towards the new Qibla. Pilgrims visiting Masjid-e-Qiblatain can clearly see that the Masjid has two portions facing different Qibla’s. Its name was hence coined as Qiblatain (Masjid of two Qibla’s).

Hajj is one of the five pillars of Islam and it is ordained that every capable Muslim, physically and financially; must perform Hajj at-least once during his or her lifetime. The money kept aside for performing Hajj should be Halal or earned through legal means as directed in Quran and Hadees. Hajj is performed on the 8th, 9th and 10th day of Zil-Hijj; the last month of Islamic calendar. Embarking upon the journey to Mecca and Medina for Hajj, is itself a great virtue for an individual from the time he makes a commitment to himself to perform the holy pilgrimage. Though it requires great investment from a person in terms of both physical and financial difficulty, the beautiful ordinance from Allah and in the steps of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is not a rich man’s possession. How then do we reason the not performing of Hajj by some of the most prominent Muslims personalities in India from the field of politics, cinema, sports, arts and business who have all the means but have never been fortunate enough to perform Hajj, while many not so well off people I know from my place and far relatives who have been blessed not once but many times over and have came back more contended and prosperous than ever. Perhaps, as truly said that it is totally Allah’s will, who he desires to visit the holy cities and birthplace of his Prophet (SAW), and for performing Hajj.
From the time when Prophet Ibrahim (AS) laid the foundation of the holy Kaba, the ethnic tribes living in the Arabian Peninsula were following discrete rituals and worshipping idols, which were placed all around the Kaba in Mecca. The sacrificial animals, their meat were strewn around the Kaba and the blood was smeared on its walls as an offering to their gods. Men and women would act indecently going around the Kaba and artists and magicians would make the sanctified place a platform for their performance, making the whole exercise a carnival of immorality; instead of submission and prayers. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) prayed to Almighty Allah, to show the correct path of piety to the followers and guide them. It was then blessed by Allah will that Prophet Ibrahim (AS) summoned the tribes into unity and integrity during the three months beginning from Ramzan till Zil-Hijj when the pilgrimage of Hajj would begin. He laid down rules for everyone; that no wars would take place during this time and people would perform Hajj as per Allah’s guidance. The boundaries or Meeqat for the holy pilgrimage were set in all four directions, beyond which no act of immorality or violence would take place. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) culled all the reprehensible practices and removed the idols from the vicinity of Kaba. The sanctity of Kaba was thus restored and it was until the time when Prophet Muhammad (SAW) shown forth the light of Islam through Qur’an and Hadees that we are still following.
The holy pilgrimage of Hajj begins for a Muslim when he makes a will in his heart to do so. A man on reaching the boundaries of the place of pilgrimage, which is also called as Meeqat, has to shun all his worldly desires, in terms of shaving or combing his hair, applying perfume, indulging in false talks, lies and back biting, seeking sexual pleasures in any form, which can even be looking or glancing at any woman with disrespect and killing of any life forms purposefully. It is said that even trampling a blade of grass or plucking a leaf of plant purposefully will make the Hajj of the person unacceptable while he is on Ihram. These obligations are applicable to women as well as appropriate. While in Ihram a man has to drape himself in a two piece unstitched white cloth leaving his head uncovered and wearing footwear which are open from the top. A woman has to wear free flowing garment providing her enough protection to observe her Hijab. These measures ensure that all people present, in submission of Allah are equal before him and there is no discrimination in terms of gender, race, color or prosperity. And it is upon wearing of Ihram when the pilgrims recite, “Labbaik Allahumma Labbaik” (Here I am O Lord! Here I am), that they submit themselves to come close to Allah.
The rituals of Hajj begin with performing of Tawaf, seven times around the Holy Kaba and praying of two Rakat Namaz behind the Mukam-e-Ibrahim (the place from where Prophet Ibrahim (AS) first placed the foundation of Kaba). People visiting Mecca have observed that the
Tawaf around Kaba does not stop even for a second and they have seen birds performing Tawaf above the holy place. Following Tawaf, the Muslims have to perform Sa’ee between the mountains of Safaa & Marwaa. This is a Sunnah (holy act) of Hajra (RA) wife of Prophet Ibrahim (AS), who was left alone in the deserts around these mountains with her infant son Prophet Ismail (AS) with meager provisions of dates and water, upon Allah’s will. As from Qur'an and Hadees, the desperate mother managed with the limited resource for some time but when the dates and water were finished she still fed the toddler with all the milk she had. And when that also finished owing to lack of food and water for her, she tried to make the baby suckle whatever moisture was left on her lips and tongue, when it yearned for water. But the heat of the desert didn’t leave that for long as well and unable to bear the anguish and thirst of the innocent baby, the distraught mother ran across the slopes of Safa and Marwaa in order to see a caravan or Bedouins who might be carrying water, leaving young Prophet Ismail (AS) on the simmering sands. While in between the slopes she was unable to see her baby, Hajra (RA) would run with hurried steps so as to avoid losing sight of the infant. Even to this day the people performing Hajj have been asked to run hurriedly at specific places marked between Safa and Marwaa, to follow what Hajra (RA) had done centuries ago. She ran seven times between the mountains and this act of her pleased Allah so much that he decreed every Haaji (pilgrim) to follow the same and made it a part of performing the Hajj rituals. Distraught, Hajra (RA) came back to her baby only to find that Prophet Ismail (RA), rubbing the heel of his legs on the sand and a tiny fountain of water emanating from the same place. She hastily started building a mound around the source, but the water started flowing with even more vigor, prompting her to say “Zam Zam” in Arabic
meaning “Stop Stop”. The sweetest water (people who have tasted vouch for it) was thus named ZamZam and has been flowing out of that source ever since to this day. It is said, had Hajra (RA) not said asked the water to stop, it would have flooded the whole earth. It is indeed a miracle that millions of Haaji’s visit Mecca during Zil-Hijj as well as many others visiting during other times of the year for Umra, drink ZamZam, make ablutions and carry vast amounts in containers for their relatives back home, but never has the water supply decreased nor the source dried, in spite of being right in the middle of the desert. Perhaps it was Allah’s will to create a reason for presenting the people of the desert an eternal source of sweet water, and a foundation for the holiest city of Mecca to be laid, by asking Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to leave Hajra (RA) and Prophet Ismail (AS) in desert. Because it was after this event that people started settling around Safa and Marwah and the holiest city of Mecca came into existence.

After the Tawaf and Sa’ee the Haaji’s move to the camps of Mina, where they get some time to
relax as well as utilize most of the time praying and reciting Qur’an. From the camps of Mina the Haaji’s proceed towards Mount Arafat, where Prophet Muhammad (SAW) delivered his last sermon to the Muslims and provided them all the guidance on how to lead their lives and how to uphold the virtues of the beautiful religion of Islam which was a gift to them from Allah. The plains around the Mount Arafat will be the place wherein all the souls from the time the first life forms appeared on earth till perpetuity, will have to assemble forth Almighty Allah on the Day of Judgment and wherein the evaluation of their sins and virtues will take place. While it is said that the people will run from Prophet Adam (AS) to Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to Prophet Musa (AS) to Prophet Isa (AS) (Jesus) and others in quest of solace from the aura of Allah almighty seeking repentance from their sins and asking for forgiveness, they will hear a soothing voice from one corner, which will be that of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) calling all Muslims; sinners and pious, to come under the shelter of his blessings and wherein he will pray and request Allah to forgive
his followers and grant them all, the path to Jannat (Heaven). Allah almighty will surely answers to his dearest Prophets prayers and in time the delinquents will be forgiven after repenting for their misdeeds. Haaji’s start for Mount Arafat from Mina early in the morning after the Fajr (dawn) prayers to reach there by the time of Zuhar (noon). They spend the time at the place until the Maghrib (dusk) prayers, repenting and asking for Allah’s forgiveness for all the sins they have committed and pledging never to repeat them. The scene at Mount Arafat on that day is heart wrenching, when millions of Muslims occupy every nook and corner and being closest to Allah; they cry their heart out seeking exoneration for their wrongdoings. And the Almighty Allah the most Beneficent and Merciful, he does answer the prayers of his lovable worshippers, thus emancipating them of all evils. The Haaji’s return to Mina from Arafat and from there onwards proceed to Muzdalifah on their way to the Jamaraat. Muzdalifah is the place where they are required to collect small pebbles for stoning the Shaitaan (Devil). This particular act is the following of Prophet Ismail (AS) who was being carried away for sacrificing by his father Prophet Ibrahim (AS) on Allah insistence. When Allah asked Prophet Ibrahim (AS) to sacrifice his
dearest possession, he knew that it was Prophet Ismail’s (AS) sacrifice that the Almighty desired. Prophet Ibrahim (AS) asked his wife to dress up the child in finest clothes as he was taking him to a marriage ceremony. Neatly groomed and excited at the prospect of the ensuring journey, the young boy accompanied his father, unaware of the truth. On their way, Shaitaan appeared before the child and told that it was not the marriage ceremony that Prophet Ibrahim (AS) was taking him to; instead he was being taken to sacrifice at Allah’s command. To which, young Prophet Ismail (AS), all of seven or eight years replied, “Allah has given me just one life, had He desired that I be sacrificed for his will and resurrected a hundred times over I would have happily done so”, and saying that he picked up some pebbles as his small hands would allow him and threw them at Shaitaan. Twice more the devil tried to distract him and every time Prophet Ismail would throw pebbles at him. Allah Almighty was so greatly impressed by the little child demeanor that ever since the Haaji’s have been asked to follow the Sunnah and stone the devils symbol at those three places called the Jamraat. Haaji’s are instructed to pick only small pebbles at Muzdalifah and not big stones so as to emulate young Prophet Ismail (AS). The events afterwards we are well aware, that Allah replaced the boy with a sheep from the heaven when Prophet Ibrahim (AS) tried to sacrifice him
and his obedience and subservience to Allah was verily accepted without Prophet Ismail (AS) being harmed, which has been the basis for Eid-ul-Azha for Muslims all around the world.

After stoning the Shaitaan, the Haaji’s return to perform Tawaf one last time and then the men are required to shave their heads and offer an animal in sacrifice culminating on the 10th day of Zil-Hijj and thus completing the Hajj of an individual. It is said that once a person completes his Hajj, he is purified of all the sins and is as innocent, as a child born from his mother’s womb. People going for Hajj also make it a point to include the holy city of Medina in their itinerary and pray at the sacred places as Masjid-e-Nabvi, Masjid-e-Qiblatain and Masjid-e-Aisha (the only
Masjid in the world for women, named after Prophet Muhammad’s (SAW) wife Aisha (RA)) and Gaar-e-Hira (a cave where Prophet used to pray in seclusion). Visiting the grave of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) and offering Salam is also considered propitious for the pilgrims and so is visiting the graves of other relatives and Sahabi (companions of Prophet) of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).

One is compelled to ask as to why a Muslim undergoes these ordeals to perform the various rituals of accomplishing the Hajj? Isn’t praying and observing the other 4 pillars of Islam namely Kalma (declaration of faith), Namaz (prayers 5 times a day), Zakat (charity to the poor) and Roza (fasting during Ramzan) with dedication not enough to purify oneself? The answer is “Yes” and that is the reason Allah has mentioned that all financially and physically capable person to perform Hajj. Since accretion of wealth without using it, even if it is from Halal (legal) source is considered unlawful in Islam. And what better way than to spend it for your own benefit and deriving nearness to Allah, visiting the land trudged by his beloved Prophet (SAW), the place where your religion has its roots and where the Holy Qur’an was descended upon by Allah through his Angel Jibraeel (AS). The following article beautifully highlights the ethics and significance of each action performed during the Hajj pilgrimage:
It was in the past that people embarking for the Hajj pilgrimage were advised to repay all their debts, seek forgiveness from their elders and all those who they have sinned and pay one last tribute to their near and dear ones, since the journey and the rituals were so tumultuous that very few could return, especially those travelling from distant lands. Also it was a belief, especially amongst people from South and South East Asia that Hajj should be undertaken only after a person reaches old age, is free from obligations towards his kin’s and has no other desire left for the materialistic self. Unlike older times when people had to travel on foot or on camels or horses through the Arabian deserts in order to reach Mecca and Medina, braving hardships of inclement environment and bandits on the way, the present journey is hardly anywhere close to being called an ordeal. Haaji’s reach Jeddah or Medina within hours by plane and perform all their rituals inside posh air conditioned construction, enabled with latest technology at the marked places, thanks to the efforts and investments of Saudi government. Be it Haram Sharif surrounding the Kaba, the Safa Marwaa, the camps at Mina or the Jamaraat all places are laced

The significance of Hajj lies in obliteration of any traces of bias amongst the Haaji’s visiting the holy land, leaving behind all their worldly desires and affiliation, with complete dedication to his creator for those few days. With every individual wearing Ihram, it removes any discrimination in terms of pecuniary well being and presenting each one as an equal before Allah. The significance of Hajj lies in the feeling of subservience before Allah, when a person first steps inside the Haram Sharif and sights the Holy Kaba, the Qibla for all the followers of Islam that he has been facing all his life from thousands of miles away and one which he had seen only in pictures and videos. The moment is beyond definition as the amazed person is lost at words for praising the aura and divinity of the place overwhelmed by occasion with thousands of people performing Tawaf around the Kaba. This is from the point of view of my parents, grandparents and other relatives who have been blessed to perform Hajj. When Haaji’s completes their Hajj, they are freed from all sins and attain a level of respect amongst relatives and friends. People look at them with admiration and every act of theirs is closely followed by others. The onus then lies on the Haaji’s to maintain the level of chastity attained, by staying away from lies, spitefulness, anger and arrogance in their deportment.